Thursday, August 19, 2010


Proposed Design Description
The Clean Water Act of 1972 helped improve the ecology of New York City waterways. The legislation was amended in 1977 and 1987, but is now dated. New Design High School in conjunction with Hester Street Collaborative would like to design an awareness campaign (using the bowtie-area surface treatments) about the future of our waterways. The graphic campaign will use the epoxied "sand" islands to demarcate coastal waters in rings of blue. In the deep water, factoids about what consumers can do to help the situation will be highlighted under National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration logo circles. The design will cause viewers to interact with the space in a playful and informative way.

The design and promotion of the bowtie will be a part of a public school summer credit-recovery course. Students will watch Poisoned Waters from Frontline of PBS. With this information students will design a brochure-driven walking tour of the space. Hester Street Collaborative and New Design High School will work together in all phases of the design and instruction. Student generated brochures about the campaign will be made available to the public. Hester Street Collaborative and New Design High School believe in the potential to use design as a basis for learning.